

类型: 电影 德国 2019

豆瓣ID:35921703 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt11122654 IMDb评分:4.7

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-14

TAG:MySELFieWEB-1080P下载 MySELFie免费下载 MySELFie 


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At the age of 12 Maya lost all of her hair. Within a couple of weeks she turned completely bald. The diagnosis: Alopecia areata. It causes Maya's body to reject every single hair like a foreign object. Two years later she has gotten used to her baldness. But summer is a brutal time for her. It's too hot to hide under a wig or a hat. Then, Maya feels naked, and she asks herself: How do others perceive me? Am I alright the way I am? Am I beautiful? Almost like a way to provide the answers, Maya takes lots of selfies, just like her friends. And somewhere in between swiping, liking and sharing, t【ZiYuanTun.Com】he girls are growing into young women. MySelfie is a documentary that observes the levels of self-perception and external perception that Maya and her friends are experiencing. It is not about narcissism but about searching and finding one's inner self, and eventually self-love. A coming-of-age film that portrays the self-exploration of a whole generation by looking at Maya's story.   译文(3): 玛雅在12岁的时候掉光了所有的头{资源屯}。不到几个星期,她就完全秃顶了。诊断:斑秃。它会导致Maya的身体像异物一样拒绝每一根头发。两年后,她已经习惯了自己的秃头。但夏天对她来说是个残酷的时期。天气太热,不能躲在假发或帽子下面。然后,玛雅感觉自己一丝不挂,她问自己:别人是如何看待我的?我现在这样还好吗?我漂亮吗?玛雅和她的朋友们一样,拍了很多自拍,这几乎是提供答案的一种方式。在刷单、点赞和分享之间,女孩们正在成长为年轻女性。《我的自拍》是一部纪录片,观察了玛雅和她的朋友们正在经历的自我感知和外部感知的水平。它不是关于自恋,而是关于寻找和找到内心的自我,最终自爱。这是一部成人电影,通过观察玛雅的故事,描绘了整整一代人的自我探索。

