
主演:威廉·霍尔登 格伦·福特 Pat 巴德·奥斯博内 Cactus George Arthur Art 埃德蒙·麦克唐纳 M 


类型: 剧情 爱情 西部 电影 美国 1941

豆瓣ID:2155964 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0034269 IMDb评分:6.7

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:德克萨斯1080P蓝光下载 德克萨斯免费下载 德克萨斯 

时长:93 分钟

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Two Virginians are heading for a new life in Texas when they witness a stagecoach being held{Ziyuantun.Com} up. They decide to rob the robbers and make off with the loot. To escape a posse, they split up and don't see each other again for a long time. When they do meet up again, they find themselves on different sides of the law. This leads to the increasing estrangement of the two men, who once thought of themselves as brothers.   译文(2): 两名弗吉尼亚州人目睹一辆公共马车被劫持,他们即将在德克萨斯州开始新生{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他们决定抢劫劫匪并带着赃物逃走。为了躲避一伙人,他们分开了,很长一段时间不再见面。当他们再次见面时,他们发现自己在法律的不同方面。这导致了这两个人日益疏远,他们曾经认为自己是兄弟。

