For want of a nail a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe... a young man's life is almost lost, which is exactly what this film is all about: a man barely twenty who wants desperately to pull out of London's drug world by taking a job as a waiter in a 'normal' restaurant. But to do this he must come up with a "sensible pair of shoes," an item that his homeless meanderings hasn't provided him. In fact, the shoes become a symbol of his striving to break away from those, like himself, who are caught up in the tragedy of drugs and lasciviousness which is so aptly described... sometimes graphically, always realistically... in this film. 译文(2): 因为缺少一个钉子,一只鞋丢失了,因为缺少一只鞋... ... 一个年轻人的生命几乎丢失了,这正是这部电影的主题: 一个不到20岁的男人,拼命地想从伦敦的毒品世界中挣【ZiYuanTun.Com】脱出来,在一家“正常”的餐厅做服务{资源屯}。但要做到这一点,他必须想出一双“合适的鞋子”,这是他无家可归的漫步并没有提供给他的东西。事实上,这双鞋子成了他努力摆脱那些,像他自己一样,陷入毒品和淫荡的悲剧的象征,这是如此恰当地描述... 有时生动,总是现实的... 在这部电影中。