



    • 主演: 未知


    The film follows Chris Vale (Scot Nery), a young man who was wrongly convicted of murdering his family in 1982, and admitted into an insane asylum based largely on the fact that Chris had been found at home with the bodies by the police. After 10 years of life in the asylum, in which he has been bullied by inmates and staff alike for the incident, Chris has now quite literally turned insane and, to prove his innocence, he escapes from the asylum on October 31 to his home, which is now occupied by a new family who are holding a Halloween party. As the night draws on, Chris attempts to search the house for any clues that will testify his innocence, but in an effort to conceal himself from the partygoers and the authorities who are searching for him, begins his own killing spree that leads to a massacre far worse than the original.@www.molikan.com   译文(3): 这部电影讲述了克里斯·瓦莱(斯科特·内里饰)的故事,他是一名年轻人,1982年被错误地判谋杀家人,并被送入精神病院,主要是因为警察在家里发现了克里斯和尸{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。克里斯在收容所生活了10年,因为这起事件他一直受到囚犯和工作人员的欺凌,现在他真的变得精神错乱了。为了证明自己的清白,他于10月31日从收容所逃到了自己的家中,现在家里住着一个正在举办[ZiYuantun.Com]万圣节派对的新家庭。随着夜晚的临近,克里斯试图在房子里搜寻任何能证明他清白的线索,但为了向派对参与者和寻找他的当局隐瞒自己,他开始了自己的杀戮狂欢,导致了一场比最初更严重的大屠杀@www.molikan.com


