As a sci-fi obsessed woman living in near isolation, Beverly Glenn-Copeland wrote and self-released Keyboard Fantasies in Huntsville, Ontario back in 1986. Recorded in an Atari-powered home-studio, the cassette featured seven tracks of a curious folk-electronica hybrid, a sound realised far before its time. Three decades on, the musician - now Glenn Copeland - began to receive emails from people across the world, thanking him for the music they'd recently discovered. Courtesy of a rare-record collector in Japan, a reissue of Keyboard Fantasies and subsequent plays by Four Tet, Caribou and more, the music had finally found its audience two generations down the line. Keyboard Fantasies: The Beverly Glenn-Copeland Story tells the time-travelling tale of this mystical musician and vocalist, as the present finally catches up with him and he embarks on his first international[ZiYuantun.Com] tour at the age of 74. Capturing five decades of relentless musical output and shifting manifestations of gender and sexual identity, set against a backdrop of profound social change, the film celebrates the unpredictable rhythms of life. A lullaby to soothe those souls struggling to find their place in the world. 译文(3): 作为一个近乎与世隔绝的科幻迷女性,贝弗莉·格伦·科普兰于1986年在安大略省亨茨维尔创作并自行发行了《键盘幻想曲{资源屯}。这盘录音带是在雅达利(Atari)的家庭录音室录制的,收录了七首奇怪的民间电子混合音乐曲目,这种声音在它的时代之前就已经实现了。三十年过去了,这位音乐家——现在的格伦·科普兰——开始收到来自世界各地的人们的电子邮件,感谢他最近发现的音乐。在日本一位罕见的唱片收藏家的帮助下,这首音乐重新发行了《键盘幻想曲》以及随后由Four Tet、Caribou等创作的戏剧,最终在两代人之后找到了观众。键盘幻想曲:贝弗利·格伦·科普兰(Beverly Glenn-Copeland)的故事告诉这位神秘的音乐家和歌手的穿越时空的故事,因为现在终于赶上了他,他74岁开始了他的第一次国际巡演。这部电影以深刻的社会变革为背景,捕捉了50年来无情的音乐输出和性别和性认同的不断变化,歌颂了不可预测的生活节奏。一首摇篮曲,用来抚慰那些在世界上努力寻找自己位置的灵魂。