Dante is a professional thief who makes ends meet through carefully selected, small jobs. His new t{Ziyuantun.Com}arget is a secluded big house which he thinks is unoccupied. But he's not alone, he will meet a strange couple whose reaction to his intrusion is to ask him for breakfast. They are hiding other plans. 译文(3): 但丁是一个职业小偷,他通过精心挑选的小工作维持生{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他的新目标是一座隐蔽的大房子,他认为这座房子没有人住。但他并不孤单,他会遇到一对陌生的夫妇,他们对他的闯入的反应是向他要早餐。他们在隐瞒其他计划。