The Dinosaur Echo is a documentary by Canadian filmmaker Brandy Yanchyk about the renaissance of paleontology [ZiYuantun.Com]in Canada today and what dinosaurs can teach us about climate change. The film introduces us to a new generation of paleontolgists who are making extraordinary dinosaur discoveries in Alberta and British Columbia in Canada. 译文(2): 《恐龙的回声》是加拿大导演 Brandy Yanchyk 拍摄的一部纪录片,讲述了当今加拿大古生物学的复兴,以及恐龙在气候变化方面可以教给我们什{资源屯}。这部电影向我们介绍了新一代的古生物学家,他们在加拿大的阿尔伯塔省和不列颠哥伦比亚省发现了非凡的恐龙。