Despite her best efforts to stand up for herself, twelve year old Charlotte continues to be tormented by Brenda the bully. When attacked in the park late one night, Charlotte fights back hard, knocking Brenda to the ground. The bully falls, hits her head, and stops moving completely. Charlotte is suddenly in crisis mode - she must now hide the body, or face the consequences of her action. 译文(3): 尽管12岁的夏洛特尽了最大努力维护自己,但她仍然受到欺凌者布伦达的折{资源屯}。一天深夜,夏洛特在公园遭到袭击,她奋力反击,将布伦达撞倒在[ZiYuantun.Com]地。恶霸摔倒了,撞到了她的头,然后完全停止了移动。夏洛特突然陷入了危机模式——她现在必须隐藏尸体,否则将面临自己行为的后果。