



    • 主演: 未知


    My mother used to wake me up with a vinyl record. It is the first thing I remember about life. Many years have passed but vinyl records have never abandoned me. And you? Have you ever listened to a vinyl record? With its unique sound and crackling that gives you butterflies. Have you ever plunged into the colors of the sleeves artwork? Have you smelled it? Music captures a unique taste, seductive. In Vinylmania the director guides us through the grooves of an object that has never lost its soul. He investigates what makes it so legendary in a world dominated by liquid music: Simple nostalgia? Possession? The search for an idenitity? A cry against the fast food music? The digital river that has no heart or soul, just ones and zeros... From Tokyo to New York, London, Paris and Prague we meet a tribe of collectors, Djs, musicians and artists. We explore the stores where passion is transformed into fever and the factories that have resumed stamping millions of copies. Vinyl records are back!   译文(3): 我母亲过去常常用黑胶唱片叫醒{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这是我对生活的第一印象。很多年过去了,但黑胶唱片从未抛弃过我。你呢?你听过黑胶唱片吗?它独特的声音和噼啪声让你手足无措。你有没有沉浸在袖子艺术作品的颜色中?你闻到了吗?音乐捕捉到一种独特的味道,诱人。在《Vinylmania》中,导演引导我们穿过一个从未失去灵魂的物体的凹槽。他调查了在一个由流动音乐主导的世界里,是什么让它如此传奇:简【ZiYuanTun.Com】单的怀旧?个人财产寻找身份?对快餐音乐的呐喊?这条没有心灵的数字河流,只有一和零。。。从东京到纽约、伦敦、巴黎和布拉格,我们遇到了一群收藏家、DJ、音乐家和艺术家。我们探索了激情转化为狂热的商店,以及已经恢复冲压数百万份的工厂。黑胶唱片又回来了!

