Every teenage boy wants to be the object of all the girls' affection. But when your gear isn't right your high school social life is bound to suffer. Gavin Miller leaves behind the trauma of high school becoming "Man of the Year". That is until Rochelle Davis, a blast from the past walks into his {Ziyuantun.Com}life causing the dapper Gavin Miller to revert back to his high school awkwardness. 译文(2): 每个十几岁的男孩都想成为所有女孩喜爱的对{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。但是当你的装备不合适的时候,你的高中社交生活肯定会受到影响。加文 · 米勒留下了高中成为“年度风云人物”的创伤。直到罗谢尔 · 戴维斯,一股来自过去的冲击波走进他的生活,使得衣冠楚楚的加文 · 米勒又回到了他高中时的尴尬状态。