Birthdays hold a magical milestone in everyone's lives. Each one represents a different exciting adventure in life: Ten years old- Double digits; Thirteen- Bar-mitzvahs; Fifteen- Qui【ZiYuanTun.Com】nceanera; Sixteen- Sweet Sixteen & a driver's license; Eighteen- a legal adult, Twenty-one- Legal drinking age... except for twenty five. Nothing special happens after you turn twenty-five. Especially in Hollywood! That is what Amelia discovers when she turns a quarter of a century old. In the city of Lost Angels, twenty-five is the equivalent of "old" and "done" to a struggling actress. With a disconnected father, her live-in boyfriend struggling financially, and surviving in a complex of noisy neighbors who call themselves artists, her life could not seem bleaker. Spanning over the course of one day, Amelia finds guidance and wisdom in the most curious places: A movie star... 译文(3): 生日在每个人的生活中都是一个神奇的里程{资源屯}。每一个都代表着人生中不同的激动人心的冒险:十岁——两位数;十三-成年礼;十五岁-五岁;十六岁-甜蜜的十六岁&;驾驶执照;18岁-合法成年人,21岁-合法饮酒年龄。。。除了二十五个。二十五岁之后没有什么特别的事情发生。尤其是在好莱坞!当阿米莉亚满四分之一个世纪时,她发现了这一点。在失落的天使之城,25相当于“25”;旧的“;以及“;完成”;一个苦苦挣扎的女演员。她的父亲离异,同居男友经济困难,在一群自称艺术家的吵闹邻居中生存,她的生活看起来再凄凉不过了。在一天的时间里,阿米莉亚在最奇怪的地方找到了指导和智慧:一位电影明星。。。