Without Ward

Without Ward



    • 主演: 哈罗德·佩里诺


    The Sci-Fi Romantic Independent film WITHOUT WARD takes place in the future where a one-world government; Contractualism, controls everything. A notable inventor, Ward (Martin Landau), creates a drug which allows people to literally live in their wildest dreams. Over the next 20 years, 50% of the world's population ends up on the drug, while the Union of United Esquires, lawyers with guns that act as the worlds police force by fulfilling and enforcing contracts, take care of them. Now, the drug is no more, and everyone who was on it is under house arrest. The film follows on{Ziyuantun.Com}e dysfunctional family's quest for connection two years after they awake from the drug as they struggle with the new world order and being confined to their homes. For years they live their wildest dreams, and now they can't even leave their houses. The oldest son, Garp (Michael Gladis), longs to make his most basic dream come true and see a girl across the street, Scout (Alexis Dziena), naked in a widow. What starts as such a simple mission turns into a deep, quirky and emotional journey, proving how important real-life connection is. Garp learns to connect with himself, and in that, to take action. At its core Without Ward is about one man who saves the world by standing naked in a window.   译文(2): 科幻浪漫独立电影《没有病房》发生在未来,在那里一个世界的政府,契约主义,控制一{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。一个著名的发明家,沃德(马丁兰道) ,创造了一种药物,可以让人们真正生活在他们最疯狂的梦想。在接下来的20年里,世界上50% 的人口最终服用了这种药物,而联合绅士联盟(Union of United Esquires) ,这个拥有枪支的律师通过履行和执行合同,充当了世界警察的角色,照顾着他们。现在,毒品已经没有了,所有服用它的人都被软禁了。这部电影讲述了一个机能不全家庭从毒品中醒来两年后寻求联系的故事,他们挣扎于新的世界秩序,被限制在自己的家中。多年来,他们过着最疯狂的梦想,现在他们甚至不能离开自己的房子。大儿子 Garp (Michael Gladis 饰)渴望实现他最基本的梦想,看到街对面一个女孩 Scout (Alexis Dziena 饰)赤身裸体地躺在寡妇身上。这样一个简单的任务开始变成了一个深刻的,离奇的和情感的旅程,证明了现实生活中的联系是多么重要。Garp 学会了与自己沟通,并在此过程中采取行动。《没有沃德》的核心是讲述一个男人赤身裸体站在窗前拯救世界的故事。


