




    There is a garage in downtown New York City on the ground floor of an eight-story building, with a winding ramp, that serves as a cache for stolen automobiles. The second floor is the repair shop, with the third, fourth and fifth as storage rooms and the sixth is the paint shop, where the hot cars are quickly changed via new paint, fenders and windshields and license plates. The seventh has a speakeasy, and the eighth is the penthouse where the supposed-gang leader,Jenkins, resides in comfort, while the real head of the gang rambles about posing as a deaf-mute known as 'The Dummy." All of this goes undetected by NYC's Finest, and might have continued to do so if the ground-floor-garage manager and "front-man", "Beef" Evans , hadn't been sent on a one-way ride down the ramp, and his w[ZiYuantun.Com]idow, Nancy, asked her brother, "Gabby" Denton, to investigate. Or, if Jenkins' sweetie, "Silver," hadn't gotten the sweets for "Gabby."   译文(2): 在纽约市中心的一栋八层建筑的底层有一个车库,有一个蜿蜒的斜坡,用来存放偷来的汽{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。二楼是维修车间,三楼、四楼和五楼作为储藏室,六楼是油漆车间,在这里,热车通过新油漆、挡泥板、挡风玻璃和车牌迅速更换。第七个是地下酒吧,第八个是顶层公寓,所谓的帮派头目詹金斯舒舒服服地住在里面,而真正的帮派头目则假扮成一个聋哑人,被称为“哑巴”,四处游荡所有这一切都没有被纽约的 Finest 公司发现,如果一楼的车库经理和“前台”“牛肉”Evans 没有被送上下坡的单程车,而他的遗孀 Nancy 让她的弟弟“ Gabby”Denton 去调查的话,这一切可能还会继续下去。或者,如果 Jenkins 的甜心“ Silver”没有因为“ Gabby”拿到糖果的话


