


类型: 剧情 惊悚 电影 西班牙 1967

豆瓣ID:25921776 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0062633 IMDb评分:6.3

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:杀人1080P蓝光下载 杀人免费下载 杀人 

时长:95 分钟

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Barcelona, 1967. Hans Fromm, a German-born architect, lives an well-ordered everyday life. He has become the target of an antifascist death squad though. Indeed their leader, Julius, whose brother was killed by Schmidt, a merciless S.S., believes, without being absolutely certain, that Fromm and Schmidt are the same man. The team, whose other members are Georges, the son of a depo【ZiYuanTun.Com】rtee liquidated by Schmidt craving for action, Raphaël, a mercenary type, Nils, the photographer and Romain, watch Fromm's every move until Julius, convinced at last that the quiet German is their man, gives the green light for the operation. They manage to lure the former Nazi to an old house but Schmidt/Fromm won't let himself be captured so easily...   译文(2): 巴塞罗那1967{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。汉斯 · 弗洛姆,一位出生于德国的建筑师,过着井然有序的日常生活。不过,他已成为反法西斯敢死队的目标。事实上,他们的领袖,朱利叶斯,他的兄弟被施密特,一个残忍的党卫军杀害,认为,在没有绝对确定的情况下,弗洛姆和施密特是同一个人。团队的其他成员是乔治,一个被施密特驱逐出境的人的儿子渴望行动,拉斐尔,一个唯利是图的类型,尼尔斯,摄影师和罗曼,观察弗洛姆的一举一动,直到朱利叶斯,最后确信安静的德国人是他们的人,给行动开绿灯。他们设法把前纳粹引到一座老房子里但施密特/弗洛姆不会让自己这么容易就被抓住。

