In Boston, the city that brought us Cheers, there really is a place where the staff know all the regulars by name. But it's not a bar, it's a downtown diner that's been there since the 1940s and has become a historical and cultural icon. 24 Hours At The South Street Diner introduces a diverse group of waiters, regulars, late-night revelers and local celebrities who call Boston's only 24/7 restaurant home. They share stories of why this tiny diner means so much to the neighborhood and the city of Boston and how it's survived fires, bankruptcies [ZiYuantun.Com]and even an attempt to revoke its late night license. 译文(2): 在波士顿,这个给我们带来欢呼的城市,确实有一个地方的员工知道所有常客的名{资源屯}。但它不是一个酒吧,它是一个市中心的餐厅,从20世纪40年代开始就在那里,已经成为一个历史和文化的标志。24小时在南街餐厅介绍了各种各样的服务员,常客,深夜狂欢者和当地名人谁称为波士顿唯一的24/7餐厅的家。他们分享了为什么这家小餐馆对邻里和波士顿这座城市如此重要的故事,以及它是如何在火灾、破产甚至企图吊销其深夜营业执照的情况下幸存下来的。