Race to Nowhere

Race to Nowhere



    • 主演: 未知


    RACE TO NOWHERE is a close-up look at the pressures on today's students, offering an intimate view of lives packed with activities, leaving little room for down-time or family time. Parents today are expected to raise high-achieving children, who are good at everything: academics, sports, the arts, community-service. The film tackles the tragic side of our often achievement-obsessed culture, with interviews that explore the hidden world of over-burdened schedules, student suicide, academic cheating, young people who have checked out. RACE TO NOWHERE asks the question: Are the young people of today prepared to step fully and productively into their future? We hear from students who feel they are being pushed to the brink, educators who worry students aren't learning anything substantive, and college prof[ZiYuantun.Com]essors and business leaders, concerned their incoming employees lack the skills needed to succeed in the business world: passion, creativity, and internal motivation. Written by Vicki Abeles (from imdb.com)   译文(3): 《无处可去》是对当今学生压力的近距离观察,提供了一个充满活动的生活的亲密视角,几乎没有留下休息时间或家庭时间的空{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。如今的父母被期望培养出成绩优异的孩子,他们擅长一切:学术、体育、艺术、社区服务。这部电影通过采访探讨了我们经常痴迷于成就的文化的悲剧一面,这些采访探索了日程安排过重、学生自杀、学术作弊、辍学的年轻人等隐藏的世界。《无处可去》提出了一个问题:当今的年轻人是否准备好充分而富有成效地走向自己的未来?我们听到学生们觉得自己被推向了边缘,教育工作者担心学生们没有学到任何实质性的东西,大学教授和商界领袖担心他们的新员工缺乏在商界取得成功所需的技能:激情、创造力和内在动力。作者:Vicki Abeles(来自imdb.com)


