Many Beautiful Things

Many Beautiful Things



    • 主演: 未知


    From Executive Producer Hisao Kurosawa, (Dreams, Ran), comes the untold story of one of the world's greatest women artists and why her name was nearly lost to history. Many Beautiful Things plunges viewers into the complex age of Victorian England to meet Lilias Trotter, a daring young woman who defied all norms by winning the favor of England's top art critic, John Ruskin. In an era when women were thought incapable of producing high art, Ruskin promised that her work could be "immortal." But with her legacy on the line, Lilias made a stunning decision that bids us to question the limits of sacrifice. As Lilias journeys to French Algeria in the late 1800's to pioneer work with women and children, viewers are left to wonder, "Could you abandon a【ZiYuanTun.Com】 dream to pursue your true calling?" Featuring the voices of Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey) and John Rhys-Davies (Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones).   译文(2): 来自执行制片人黑泽未诉之事(Hisao Kurosawa,《梦》 ,《小兰》) ,讲述了世界上最伟大的女艺术家之一,以及为什么她的名字几乎消失在历史长河中的原{资源屯}。《许多美丽的事物》将观众带入了维多利亚时代英格兰的复杂时代,见到了莉莉亚斯 · 特罗特,一位勇敢的年轻女性,她不顾一切地赢得了英格兰顶级艺术评论家约翰 · 罗斯金的青睐。在一个女性被认为无法创造高雅艺术的时代,拉斯金承诺她的作品可以“永垂不朽”但由于她的遗产岌岌可危 Lilias 做出了一个惊人的决定让我们开始质疑牺牲的极限。19世纪末,当莉莉亚斯前往法属阿尔及利亚,开拓妇女和儿童的工作时,观众们不禁要问: “你能放弃梦想,追求自己真正的使命吗?”特色米雪·道克利(《唐顿庄园》)和约翰·里斯·戴维斯(《指环王》、《印第安纳琼斯》)。

