On the Island of Manukura, a French colony in the South Seas, joyful Terangi is a leader among the natives and the first mate of the Katopua, the tall ship of Captain Nagle. Terangi marries Marama and soon sails to Tahiti. While in a bar playing with other natives, Terangi is offended by an alcoholic French racist and he hits him, breaking his jaw. Despite Captain Nagle's testimony, Terangi is sentenced to six months of forced labor since the victim had political connections with the Powers That Be. Captain Nagle asks the Governor Eugene DeLaage to uses his influence to help Terangi, but the governor refuses. Terangi unsuccessfully tries to escape from the prison, and each attempt increases his sentence. Eight years later, he finally escapes and his jailbreak is celebrated in Manukura. Father Paul finds his canoe and brings Terangi to the island. But a devastating hurricane also arrives in the island threatening the dwellers. 译文(3): 在南海上的法国殖民地马努库拉岛上,快乐的特朗吉是当地人的领袖,也是纳格尔船长的高船“卡托帕”号的大{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。Terangi与Marama结婚,不久便驶向塔希提岛。在酒吧里和其他本地人一起玩时,Terangi被一个酗酒的法国种族主义者冒犯了,他打了他,打断了他的下巴。尽管纳格尔上尉作证,但由于受害者与当权者有政治联系,特朗吉被判处六个月的强迫劳动。纳格尔上尉要求州长尤金·德拉奇利用他的影响力帮助特朗吉,但州长拒绝了。Terangi试图逃离监狱,但没有成功,每次尝试都会加重他的刑期。八年后,他终于逃脱了,马努库拉庆祝了他的越狱。保罗神父找到了他的独木舟,把特朗吉带到了岛上。但一场毁灭【ZiYuanTun.Com】性的飓风也来到了岛上,威胁着岛上的居民。