Fukushima: A Nuclear Story

Fukushima: A Nuclear Story



    • 主演: 威廉·达福Massimo山内春彦


    What is it that saved Tokyo from a nuclear disaster? A pool of foreign journalists, including reporter Pio d'Emilia (Sky), is allowed to enter the Fukushima-Daiichi power plant: they have waited two years to uncover the truth about the 2011 accident hidden behind those walls. The ex-premier Naoto Kan takes us back to the days of the accident and reveals the events as they really happened. Manga animations represent Japan's history, while digital reconstruction allows for the darker side of this story, which is s[ZiYuantun.Com]o complex from a social and scientific point of view, to emerge. There are no mere suspects anymore: many defendants are to be held accountable for the accident.   译文(3): 是什么使东京免于核灾难?包括记者Pio d’Emilia(天空电视台)在内的一批外国记者被允许进入福岛第一核电站:他们等了两年才揭开2011年事故的真{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。前首相菅直人带我们回到事故发生的日子,并揭示了事件的真实情况。漫画动画代表了日本的历史,而数字重建则让这个故事的黑暗面浮出水面,从社会和科学的角度来看,这个故事是如此复杂。不再仅仅是嫌疑人:许多被告将被追究事故责任。


