




    This movie is a selection from many hours of footage produced before and during the music festival that was to accompany "The Rumble in the Jungle" - the heavyweight championship fight between Ali and Foreman in '74. The festival was meant to bring the American soul/r&b/funk/blues musicians "back home" to Africa and give them the opportunity to perform alongside African stars, such as Miriam Makeba. The movie is centered on James Brown, the main [ZiYuantun.Com]star of the three-day festival. It is more about the event as such, its "technical" background, than about schoolbook history. Even then, it leaves a lot of ambiguities open for the viewers to see. We hear Ali comment on the peaceful life Zairians lead while American blacks are ever threatened by accidents or (white) hatred. But this peaceful life is controlled by the government that urges the people to love their dictator. Although this movie doesn't deal with the political tensions involved in this Zairian sojourn, the implications are there. One thing that some viewers might not like is that "Soul Power" leaves little room for the African artists, focusing instead on the American greats like Brown or B.B. King. Another is that it's so short - King has only one feature, Brown has no more than three. At the Berlin IFF (Berlinale), the director (or editor, as the movie is simply made up of footage produced over 30 years ago) explained that he couldn't afford more than he did; also, some of the performances at the festival were of lower quality. As it is, the songs that we hear in "Soul Power" are beautifully shot - and finely recorded. At any rate, this movie is worth watching. It's interesting and it's funny. Go see for yourself! (by jammasta-1 @imdb)   译文(2): 这部电影选自音乐节之前和期间制作的长达数小时的片段,这些片段将伴随“丛林中的轰鸣”——1974年阿里和福尔曼之间的重量级冠军争夺{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这个音乐节旨在把美国的灵魂/节奏/放克/布鲁斯音乐家“带回”非洲,让他们有机会与非洲明星一起表演,比如米里亚姆 · 马克巴。这部电影的中心是詹姆斯布朗,为期三天的电影节的主要明星。它更多的是关于这个事件本身,它的“技术”背景,而不是关于教科书的历史。即便如此,它还是给观众留下了很多模棱两可的地方。我们听到阿里对扎伊尔人过着和平生活的评论,而美国黑人却受到事故或(白人)仇恨的威胁。但这种平静的生活是由政府控制的,政府敦促人民爱戴他们的独裁者。虽然这部电影并没有涉及扎伊尔人在扎伊尔逗留期间的政治紧张局势,但影响是存在的。一些观众可能不喜欢的一点是,《灵魂力量》没有给非洲艺术家留下多少空间,而是把焦点放在了布朗或金这样的美国大师身上。另一个原因是它太短了——金只有一个特征,布朗只有三个。在柏林国际电影节上,导演(或编辑,因为这部电影只是由30多年前制作的镜头组成)解释说,他负担不起更多的电影,而且,电影节上的一些表演质量较差。事实上,我们在《灵魂的力量》中听到的歌曲拍摄得非常漂亮,录制得也很好。无论如何,这部电影值得一看。这很有趣,也很有趣。你自己去看看!(by jammasta-1@imdb)

