


类型: 纪录 电影 美国 2015

豆瓣ID:26344334 豆瓣评分:8.5

IMDb链接: tt3735302 IMDb评分:7.4

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:勇敢的心:维拉斯克兹的故事WEB-1080P下载 勇敢的心:维拉斯克兹的故事免费下载 勇敢的心:维拉斯克兹的故事 

时长:78 分钟

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A BRAVE HEART: The Lizzie Velasquez Story is a documentary following the inspiring journey of 25 year old, 58 pound Lizzie from cyber-bullying victim to anti-bullying activist. Born with a rare syndrome that prevents her from gaining weight, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Velasquez was first bullied as a child in school for looking different and, later online, as a teenager when she discovered a YouTube video labeling her "The World's Ugliest Woman." The film chronicles unheard stories and details of Lizzie's physical and emotional journey up to her multi-million viewed TEDx talk, and follows her pursuit from a motivational speaker to Cap{Ziyuantun.Com}itol Hill as she lobbies for the first federal anti-bullying bill.   译文(2): 勇敢的心: 《丽兹 · 贝拉斯克斯的故事》是一部纪录片,讲述了25岁、58磅重的丽兹从网络欺凌受害者到反欺凌积极分子的鼓舞人心的历{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。伊丽莎白 · “利齐”· 贝拉斯克斯(Elizabeth“ Lizzie”Velasquez)出生时患有一种罕见的综合症,体重无法增加。她小时候在学校第一次因为长相与众不同而受到欺负,后来在网上发现了一个 YouTube 视频,上面标注她是“世界上最丑的女人”这部电影记录了从未听说过的故事和利齐的身体和情感旅程的细节,直到她的数百万人观看的 TEDx 演讲,并追踪她从一个励志演讲者到国会山,她为第一个联邦反欺凌法案游说。

