Root Cause is a feature length documentary featuring expert opinions from cutting edge doctors and dentists from around the world, that exposes the true health effects of the root canal procedure. Root Cause is one man's extraordinary, personal journey of self-discovery set to send ripples through the dental profession and expose perhaps one of the world's greatest medical industry cover-ups. 译文(2): 《根本原因》是一部长篇纪录片,以来自世界各地尖端医生和牙医的专家意见为特色,揭示了根管治疗对健康的真实影响{Ziyuantun.Com{资源屯}。根本原因是一个人的非凡,自我发现的个人旅程设置发送涟漪整个牙科行业,并揭露可能是世界上最大的医疗行业掩盖之一。