During an exclusive tour, a power breakdown inside a secret prison known as the Death House sends two agents fighting through a labyrint【ZiYuanTun.Com】h of horrors while being pursued by a ruthless army of roaming inmates. As they fight to escape, the agents push toward the lowest depths of the facility where they learn a supernatural group of evil beings are their only chance for survival. 译文(2): 在一次独家参观中,一座名为“死亡之屋”的秘密监狱发生了电力故障,两名特工在一片恐怖的迷宫中战斗,同时被一支无情的流浪囚犯大军追{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。当他们奋力逃跑时,特工们向设施的最深处推进,在那里他们了解到一群邪恶的超自然生物是他们唯一的生存机会。