




    Len【ZiYuanTun.Com】a becomes increasingly bored with her seemingly perfect life in her beautiful Brooklyn apartment, living a life without financial burdens. Maria is unsatisfied with her stressful job as a waitress and her unfulfilled dreams of being an actress. After Lena discovers her husband cheating, her and Maria start a week of crazy partying. Whenever they are together, they seem happy. Whenever they are apart, their lack of symbiosis fails them. They drink and party, make out with random men, sleep in the same bed and mimic each other's behavior. That seems to help until Maria finally, under the influence of Lena, quits her job and they both flee the city to the Hamptons.The beautiful nature surrounding them contrasts their crass behavior and forlornness. Just when they finally start dealing with their issues, their friendship takes an unsuspected turn.   译文(2): 莉娜变得越来越厌倦她看似完美的生活在她美丽的布鲁克林公寓,没有经济负担的生{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。玛丽亚不满足于她压力很大的服务员工作和她未能实现的演员梦想。莉娜发现丈夫出轨后,她和玛丽亚开始了一周的疯狂派对。只要他们在一起,他们看起来都很幸福。每当它们分开时,它们缺乏共生关系就会使它们失败。他们喝酒聚会,随便和男人亲热,睡在同一张床上,模仿对方的行为。这似乎有所帮助,直到玛丽亚终于,在莉娜的影响下,辞去了她的工作,他们都逃离城市到汉普顿斯。他们周围美丽的自然环境与他们粗鲁的行为和孤独形成了鲜明的对比。就在他们最终开始处理问题的时候,他们的友谊发生了意想不到的转变。

