



    • 主演: 大卫·海曼乌多·基尔Olivia


    Brazil, May 1960. Just a few days after the abduction of fugitive Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann by Mossad agents in Argentina. Polsky (70), a lonely, misanthropic, grumbling Holocaust survivor lives in one of a couple of isolated houses on a hill on the outskirts of a Brazilian suburb. He spends his days playing chess and tending his beloved rose bushes. Polsky's next door neighbor, who does all his grocery shopping, is his only connection to the "outside world." One day his neighbor dies and a mysterious old German man wearing a wig, sunglasses, and fake beard moves in. Polsky isn't crazy about Germans in general, but he particularly loathes Herzog, the new neighbor, even before he actually meets him. Once he does and finds out he emigrated from Argentina, all it takes is one good look in the eyes to realize his new neighbor is none other than the infamous Adolf Hitler. Polsky decides to prove Hitler's identity and begins collecting evidence and compiles a comparative table between ...   译文(3): 巴西,1960年5{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。就在几天前,在逃的纳粹罪犯阿道夫·艾希曼在阿根廷被摩萨德特工绑架。波尔斯基(70岁)是一位孤独、厌世、怨声载道的大屠杀幸存者,住在巴西郊区一座小山上的一对与世隔绝的房子里。他每天都在下棋和照料他心爱的玫瑰花丛。波尔斯基的隔壁邻居,他所有的杂货店购物都是他唯一的联系;外部世界";一天,他的邻居去世了,一个戴着假发、太阳镜和假胡子的神秘德国老人搬了进来。波尔斯基对德国人并不着迷,但他特别讨厌新邻居赫尔佐格,甚至在他真正见到[ZiYuantun.Com]他之前。一旦他发现自己是从阿根廷移民过来的,只要仔细看一眼,就会意识到他的新邻居正是臭名昭著的阿道夫·希特勒。波尔斯基决定证明希特勒的身份,并开始收集证据,并编制了一份。。。

