Past Sins

Past Sins




    Don{Ziyuantun.Com}na Erickson is a workaholic, criminal lawyer with no time for anyone but herself. Confronting her ambitious lifestyle while following her instincts about a possible murder committed over thirty years ago. On the surface, Donna's client Janice Bradford, a respectable suburban housewife, but when her past is exposed -- it's revealed that she was a member of a non-violent protest group that apparently committed a deadly bombing of a Real Estate developer. But Janice claims it was an accident, the court will have to decide. Time has caught up with Janice Bradford, and her past quickly threatens to destroy her family's future. Donna is under the gun to prove her client innocent of all charges and reinstate her as the socially aware, responsible citizen she is. With the help of her ex-husband private eye Glen Garrison, they must turn back the clock to determine if her client is a murderer, or the sole survivor of a crime linked to a lethal conspiracy.   译文(2): Donna Erickson 是个工作狂,刑事律师,除了她自己没时间陪别{资源屯}。直面她野心勃勃的生活方式同时跟随她对三十多年前可能发生的谋杀案的直觉。表面上看,唐娜的客户珍妮丝 · 布拉德福德一位受人尊敬的郊区家庭主妇但当她的过去被曝光她是一个非暴力抗议组织的成员该组织显然对一名房地产开发商进行了致命的爆炸袭击。但是贾尼斯声称这是一个意外,法院将不得不作出裁决。珍妮丝 · 布拉德福德(Janice Bradford)的时间已经过去了,她的过去很快就威胁到了她家庭的未来。唐娜被迫证明她的委托人对所有指控均无罪并恢复她作为一个有社会责任感的公民的地位。在她前夫私家侦探格伦 · 加里森的帮助下,他们必须让时光倒流以确定她的委托人是否是凶手,或者是一起致命阴谋案的唯一幸存者。


