Five friends embark{Ziyuantun.Com} on a ten-day journey on the incredible Uinta Highline Trail in northern Utah. Together they discover adventure and explore the history of the area. Along the way, you learn more about these hikers, and how they succeeded in life even when the odds were stacked against them. The film touches on some heavy subject matter, including PTSD recovery, addiction recovery, and much more. 译文(3): 五个朋友在犹他州北部令人难以置信的尤因塔Highline小径上踏上了为期十天的旅{资源屯}。他们一起探索冒险,探索该地区的历史。一路上,你会了解到更多关于这些徒步旅行者的信息,以及他们是如何在困难重重的情况下取得成功的。这部电影触及了一些沉重的主题,包括创伤后应激障碍的恢复、成瘾的恢复等等。