Soldi【ZiYuanTun.Com】er, banker, lawyer, professor; William Tecumseh Sherman was more than a Civil War General. Sherman voyaged the world, influenced the California Gold Rush, started banks and Louisiana State University. He advised and entertained presidents, and changed the dynamic of war. Later he set decades of policy in the American West. Few leaders have had such a contentious impact on America as Sherman. 译文(2): 士兵,银行家,律师,教授,威廉·特库姆塞·舍曼不仅仅是内战时期的将{资源屯}。谢尔曼周游世界,影响了加州淘金热,创办了银行和路易斯安那州立大学。他为总统提供建议和娱乐,改变了战争的格局。后来,他在美国西部制定了几十年的政策。很少有领导人能像谢尔曼那样对美国产生如此有争议的影响。