In the village of Chagrin Falls, Ohio, Suzanna, a 21 year old woman, changes her gender and becomes a boy. But at first, she ta[ZiYuantun.Com]kes the transitional name: Coby. In a very intimate way, this film tells the story of her journey to manhood, but also the commitment of her close surrounding. An incisive, tender and ironic portrait of a transgender and his family seeking for freedom. 译文(3): 在俄亥俄州查格林瀑布村,21岁的苏珊娜改变了性别,变成了一个男{资源屯}。但一开始,她取了一个过渡性的名字:Coby。这部电影以一种非常亲密的方式,告诉了她走向成年的历程,也讲述了她对周围环境的承诺。一幅精辟、温柔、讽刺的跨性别者及其家人寻求自由的画像。