


类型: 纪录 电影 美国 2016

豆瓣ID:26703919 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt4322510 IMDb评分:7.9

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:文斯·乔丹诺:过去有个未来WEB-1080P下载 文斯·乔丹诺:过去有个未来免费下载 文斯·乔丹诺:过去有个未来 

时长:111 分钟

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A feature-length document{Ziyuantun.Com}ary about musician, scholar and bandleader Vince Giordano who, with his 11-member band The Nighthawks, has doggedly kept alive the popular music of the 1920s and '30s for the past forty years. Through Vince's story, the viewer will be immersed in the Hot Jazz and Swing that fueled Prohibition high-jinx and cheered up Depression-era America. And they will see what it takes to make a life as a professional jazz musician in 21st Century New York. Giordano's dedication, along with a handful of others, has kept this cultural phenomenon on life support through hard times, and introduced it to a new generation of Hot Jazz devotees and virtuosos who are laying claim to this joyful, energetic music.   译文(2): 这是一部关于音乐家、学者和乐队指挥 Vince Giordano 的长篇纪录片,他和他的11人乐队 The Nighthawks 在过去的40年里顽强地保持着20世纪20年代和30年代的流行音{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。通过文斯的故事,观众将沉浸在热爵士乐和摇摆乐,推动禁酒令的高乌鸦嘴和振作起来的大萧条时代的美国。他们将会看到如何在21世纪的纽约成为一名职业爵士音乐家。佐丹奴的献身精神,以及其他一些人的献身精神,使这种文化现象在困难时期得以维持生命,并将其介绍给新一代热爵士乐爱好者和演奏家,他们声称拥有这种快乐、充满活力的音乐。

