Daddy and the Warlord

Daddy and the Warlord



    • 主演: 未知


    Clarice has always looked up to her father. But when the time has come to evaluate his political legacy, she gets entangled in a web where good and evil, truth and lies are desperately interweaved. Why did her father choose to work for Charles Taylor, a ruthless dictato{资源屯}? In post-war torn Liberia, Clarice is faced with extremely difficult decisions. The deeper she digs into her father’s past, the deeper she gets entangled in a mire of half-truths, deceptions and lies. Her love for him is{Ziyuantun.Com} tested even harder when she talks to some of the people that used to work with him and do not conceal the admiration they still harbor for him. Appalled by these displays of loyalty and her own contradictory feelings, she begins to question her endeavor. Through an extremely rich color palette, the filmmakers suggest that whatever idea we still have about truth, it will always challenge our world view, sometimes also our objects of love, affections and, ultimately, our place in the world.


