


类型: 纪录 电影 瑞士 2011

豆瓣ID:10529471 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt2075378 IMDb评分:7.3

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:异常飞行WEB-1080P下载 异常飞行免费下载 异常飞行 

时长:103 分钟

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Switzerland still carries out special flights, where passengers, dressed in diapers and helmets, are chained to their seats for 40 hours at worst. They are accom{Ziyuantun.Com}panied by police officers and immigration officials. The passengers are flown to their native countries, where they haven't set foot in in up to twenty years, and where their lives might be in danger. Children, wives and work are left behind in Switzerland. Near Geneva, in Frambois prison, live 25 illegal immigrants waiting for deportation. They are offered an opportunity to say goodbye to their families and return to their native countries on a regular flight, escorted by plain-clothes police officers. If they refuse this offer, the special flight is arranged fast and unexpectedly. The stories behind the locked cells are truly heartbreaking.   译文(3): 瑞士仍在执行特殊航班,乘客穿着尿布和头盔,最坏的情况下被锁在座位上40个小{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。陪同他们的有警察和移民官员。乘客们被飞往他们的祖国,在那里他们已经20年没有踏上过脚了,他们的生命可能处于危险之中。瑞士留下了孩子、妻子和工作。在日内瓦附近的Frambois监狱,居住着25名等待被驱逐出境的非法移民。他们有机会与家人告别,并在便衣警察的护送下乘坐定期航班返回祖国。如果他们拒绝这一优惠,那么专列航班安排得很快,而且出乎意料。被锁的牢房背后的故事真的令人心碎。

