This stylishly photographed drama is set in the Lower East Side area known as "Alphabet City." There 19-year-oldJohnny has become a drug lord in charge of the neighborhood gangs and pushers. Unfortunately, he too has a boss and when he asks Johnny to burn down the tenement building that houses his mother and sister, the boy refuses and decides to go straight for the sake of his wife and child. This doesn't set well with his boss who sends gangsters out to kill him. Of course, the gangsters have to catch Johnny first. 译文(2): 这部风格独特的电视剧的背景设置在下东区被称为“字母城”的地区在那里19岁的约翰尼已经成为一个毒枭负责附近的帮派和毒{资源屯}。不幸的是,他也有一个老板,当他要求约翰尼烧掉他母亲和妹妹的集合住宅时,这个男孩拒绝了,为了他的妻子和孩子,他决定直接走。他【ZiYuanTun.Com】的老板派黑帮来杀他,这可不是什么好事。当然,黑帮必须先抓住强尼。