Rockabilly is a subculture whose members operate as if they are living in the 1950's. From the music to the tattoos, pin up girls, hot rod cars and vintage fashion, this lifestyle gives creative people a place where they feel empowered. Rockabillies don't fit the mold of wha{Ziyuantun.Com}t American culture says is 'normal.' This scene makes invisible people visible. Simple as that. A Rockabilly's greatest fear is not being noticed. 译文(2): 摇滚乐是一种亚文化,其成员的运作就好像他们生活在20世纪50年{资源屯}。从音乐到纹身,别针女孩,豪华车和复古时尚,这种生活方式给予创造性的人一个地方,他们觉得授权。乡村摇滚乐不符合美国文化所说的“正常”。这个场景让看不见的人变得可见。就这么简单。乡巴佬最怕的就是没人注意。