American Sharia

American Sharia




    Fast paced, action packed comedy. Tension flares in The Motor City as Officer Richardson profiles every Muslim he sees as a terrorist. He goes on an arrest frenzy, which makes the community activists, Jihad and Osama take to the streets and rally the people to stand up for their rights. The Chief of Police wants to gain the trust of the Muslim community in order to get re-elected, but Attorney Leila Rodriguez is standing in the way with a discrimination law suit against Officer Richardson and the Motor City Police Department. The Chief calls on his most unreliable detective, Mohammed and partners him with a Middle Eastern, Sharia Law fanatic, Detective Abdul. The Chief wants them to "Speak Muslim To The Muslims" which he thinks will guarant【ZiYuanTun.Com】ee his re-election.   译文(2): 快节奏的动作喜{资源屯}。当理查森警官描述每一个他认为是恐怖分子的穆斯林时,汽车城的气氛变得紧张起来。他继续进行疯狂的逮捕,这使社区活动家,圣战组织和奥萨马走上街头,集结人民为他们的权利站起来。警察局长希望获得穆斯林社区的信任,以便再次当选,但是律师莱拉 · 罗德里格斯阻碍了对理查森警官和汽车城警察局的歧视诉讼。警长拜访了他最不可靠的侦探穆罕默德,并与一名中东的伊斯兰教法狂热分子阿卜杜勒侦探合作。酋长希望他们“对穆斯林说穆斯林话”,他认为这将保证他的连任。

