'Pretty Boy' is a coming of age story of a young bullied teen, Sean, struggling with his sexuality and the hardships of high school. After his father finds some questionable magazines in his room, this devout Christian will go to any lengths to get his son to find the light and 'perform' the way a man should. Sean is introduced to Katie, a prostitute that understands the stigmas of modern society and helps him see the true light that is within him. 'Pretty Boy' is meant to inspire our youth to follow their hearts, to seek out their true family if '...the family they were born into isn't the family they're meant to be with.' 译文(2): 《漂亮男【ZiYuanTun.Com】孩》讲述了一个被欺负的青少年肖恩的成长故事,他为自己的性取向和高中生活的艰辛而挣{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。当他的父亲在他的房间里发现一些有问题的杂志后,这个虔诚的基督徒会不惜一切代价让他的儿子找到光明,并以一个男人应有的方式“表现”。肖恩被介绍给凯蒂,一个妓女,了解现代社会的耻辱,并帮助他看到真正的光在他身上。“漂亮男孩”旨在激励我们的年轻人跟随他们的心,寻找他们真正的家人,如果... 他们出生的家庭不是他们想要的家庭。'