The Silent Movie Theater has been screening the films of the silent era for over 65 years. It was almost lost to us completely when its previous owner, Lawrence Austin, was murdered in the theater's lobby. This is a documentary film about the passionate and somewhat eccentric individuals who strove to {Ziyuantun.Com}keep the old movies running for audiences in this unique and odd venue. This is a film about obsession for silent film and a love of the theater. The Silent Movie Theater's Quixotic occupants keep on screening films (now of all eras) despite the odds of the place surviving. Written by Anonymous 译文(3): 无声电影院放映无声时代的电影已经超过65年{资源屯}。当它的前主人劳伦斯·奥斯汀在剧院大厅被谋杀时,我们几乎完全失去了它。这是一部纪录片,讲述了那些充满激情、有些古怪的人,他们努力让老电影在这个独特而奇怪的地方为观众播放。这是一部关于对无声电影的痴迷和对戏剧的热爱的电影。无声电影院的吉诃德式居住者继续放映电影(现在是所有时代的电影),尽管这个地方很有可能幸存下来。匿名者撰写