




    The film's plot revolves around Kanthasamy (played by Vikram), who is a Income Tax officer in the CBI, and his friends, granting the wishes of the needy who write letters to a local Lord Muruga temple by disguising himself as an anthropomorphic chicken. During a CBI income tax raid, he discovers a stash of black money owned by Ponnusamy (played by Ashish Vidyarthi), a rich and corrupted entrepreneur. Ponnusamy pretends to be paralysed to escape the questioning. Angered by the news that her father is paralysed, Ponnusamy's daughter, Subbulakshmi (played by Shriya Saran) goes after Kanthasamy to seek revenge by pretending to be in love with him. Kanthasamy, knowing Subbulakshmi's real intentions plays along in the game. This forms a cat and mouse chase between the two. In a comical role, Thengakadai (played by Vadivelu) is also sought after by a local police inspector who tries to solve the mystery of "Lord Muruga saving the people". The fate of Kanthasamy's disguise leads into the climax of the story. The local police inspector was able to bring out the truth that a CBI is involved in the role behind the secret work of helping the needy people although he was not able to confirm it. Kanthasamy finds the password of Subbulakshmi's family bank account, in which the black money is illegally saved. He tricks Subbulakshmi into revealing the password and answers for the security questions indirectly. Kanthasamy finally transfers the money to his account which would be used for helping the poor and needy people. Ironically, in the end, Subbulakshmi's father was paralysed at the end knowing that the password which was used by him to access his black money was changed. After that Subbulakshmi and Kanthasamy were married and were living in north[ZiYuantun.Com]ern India. Kanthasamy saw some letters tied to a tree, just like the ones at the Lord Muruga temple. He read one and he put a letter into his pocket with a secret smile, which meant he is the anthromorphic chicken again.   译文(2): 这部电影的情节围绕坎萨萨米(维克拉姆扮演)和他的朋友展开,坎萨萨米是英国工业联合会(CBI)的一名所得税官员,他们把自己伪装成一只拟人化的鸡,满足了穷人写信给当地穆鲁加神庙的愿{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在一次英国工业联合会的所得税突袭中,他发现了庞努萨米(Ashish Vidyarthi 饰)拥有的一笔黑钱。庞努萨米是一位富有而腐败的企业家。庞努萨米假装瘫痪以逃避询问。父亲瘫痪的消息激怒了彭努萨米,她的女儿 Subbulakshmi (Shriya Saran 扮演)去找坎萨萨米报仇,假装爱上了他。Kanthasamy,知道 Subbulakshmi 的真正意图在游戏中起作用。这形成了一个猫和老鼠之间的追逐两个。在一个滑稽的角色中,Thengakadai (由 Vadivelu 扮演)也受到当地警察的追捕,他试图解开“穆鲁加勋爵拯救人民”的谜团。坎萨萨米伪装的命运引导到故事的高潮。当地的警察督察查明了一个真相,即加州调查局参与了帮助有需要的人的秘密工作,尽管他无法证实这一点。Kanthasamy 找到了 Subbulakshmi 家族银行账户的密码,这些黑钱是非法储存的。他欺骗 Subbulakshmi 间接透露密码和安全问题的答案。坎萨萨米最终把钱转到他的账户,这笔钱将用于帮助穷人和有需要的人。具有讽刺意味的是,Subbulakshmi 的父亲最终瘫痪了,因为他知道他用来存取黑钱的密码被更改了。在那之后,Subbulakshmi 和 Kanthasamy 结婚了,住在印度北部。坎萨萨米看到一些绑在树上的字母,就像穆鲁加神庙里的那些一样。他读了一封,然后把一封信放进口袋里,脸上带着秘密的微笑,这意味着他又变回了人形鸡。


