


类型: 纪录 短片 电影 美国 1966

豆瓣ID:5087156 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0209274 IMDb评分:7.2

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:从米尔布鲁克来的报告1080P蓝光下载 从米尔布鲁克来的报告免费下载 从米尔布鲁克来的报告 

时长:12 分钟

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Jonas Mekas' elegant report on a Poughkeepsie police department's raid of Timothy Leary's base-of-operations amply demonstrates the political potential of his diary filmmaking. The film's protest is lodged in the disjunction between sound and image, with Mekas' intimate, idyllic footage of the Millbrook property undercutting audio of the sheriff's fear-mongering rationales. The interview was itself an act of subterfuge as East Village Other writer Bob Simmons posed as a buttoned-up reporter from the solidly mainstream Look to get his exclusive. As Simmons simply gives the sheriff enough rope to hang himself, Mekas' montage leaves the outrage to the audience. - Max Goldb{Ziyuantun.Com}erg   译文(2): 乔纳斯?梅卡斯(Jonas Mekas)对波基普西警察局突袭蒂莫西?利里(Timothy Leary)行动基地的精彩报道,充分展示了他日记电影制作的政治潜{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。电影的抗议是在声音和图像之间的分离,与麦卡斯的亲密,田园诗般的镜头米尔布鲁克财产削弱了警长的声音散布恐惧的理由。这次采访本身就是一种托词,因为东村的其他作家鲍勃 · 西蒙斯(Bob Simmons)为了获得独家报道而假扮成一个来自坚定的主流媒体 Look 的守口如瓶的记者。由于西蒙斯只是给警长足够的绳索上吊自杀,梅卡斯的蒙太奇把愤怒留给了观众。马克斯 · 金伯格

