For the first time ever, experi【ZiYuanTun.Com】ence the rise of CM Punk with CM Punk: Best in the World! From his early days in the Indy circuit to his explosive transformation into the most unabashed, outspoken champion in WWE history, this two-hour documentary traces the life of CM Punk through exclusive NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN footage. Fellow WWE Superstars, close friends and the Voice of the Voiceless himself give you unprecedented access to his revolutionary life. Find out what inspires his blistering pipe-bomb rants, why he is straight-edge, and much more! 译文(2): 有史以来第一次,体验 CM 朋克的崛起与 CM 朋克: 世界上最好的!从他在印地赛道的早期日子到他的爆炸性转变成最厚颜无耻,直言不讳的冠军在 WWE 历史上,这两个小时的纪录片通过独家前所未见的镜头追踪 CM 朋克的生{资源屯}。各位 WWE 的超级巨星们,亲密的朋友们,以及无声之音本人,让你们前所未有地接触到他的革命生活。找出是什么激发了他愤怒的管状炸弹咆哮,为什么他是直边缘,以及更多!