Eccentric Professor Gibbs, brilliant but impractical, invents an invisibility machine[ZiYuantun.Com] and advertises for a guinea pig. What he gets is Kitty Carroll, an attractive, adventurous model, who thinks being invisible would help her settle a few scores. Complications arise when three comic gangsters steal the machine to use on their boss. But they fail to reckon with the Revenge of the Invisible Woman! 译文(3): 古怪的吉布斯教授,才华横溢但不切实际,发明了一种隐形机器,并为豚鼠做广{资源屯}。他得到的是Kitty Carroll,一个有吸引力、有冒险精神的模特,她认为隐形会帮助她解决一些问题。当三个滑稽的歹徒偷走机器用来对付他们的老板时,情况就复杂了。但他们没有考虑到隐形女人的复仇!