Two wagon caravans converge at what is now Kansas City, and combine for the westward push to Oregon. On their quest the pilgrims will experience desert heat, mountain snow, hunger, and indian attack. To complicate matters further, a love triangle develops, as pretty Molly must chose between Sam, a brute, and Will, the dashing captain of the other caravan. Can Will overcome the skeleton in his closet and win Molly's heart? 译文(2): 两个大篷车队在现在的堪萨斯城汇合,向西推进到俄勒冈{资源屯}。在他们的旅程中,朝圣者将经历沙漠的炎热,山上的积雪,饥饿和印第安人的袭击。更复杂的是,一个三角恋的发展,因为漂亮的莫莉必须选择之间的山姆,一个野蛮人,和威尔,另一个商队的帅气队长。威尔能否战胜自己的秘密,赢得莫莉的芳心【ZiYuanTun.Com】?