How do 1.1 billion people around the world live on less than one dollar a day? Four young friends set out to research and live this reality. Armed with only a video camera and a desire to understand, they spend just 56 dollars each for 56 days in rural Pena Blanca, Guatemala. They battle E.Coli, financial stress, and the realization that there are no easy answers. Yet, the generosity and strength of their neighbors, Rosa, Anthony and Chino gives them resilient hope. They return home transformed and embark on a mission to share their new found understan[ZiYuantun.Com]ding with other students, inspiring and challenging their generation to make a difference. 译文(2): 世界上有11亿人每天靠不到一美元生活?四个年轻的朋友开始研究和生活在这个现实{资源屯}。在危地马拉的佩纳布兰卡,他们只有一个摄像机和一个想要了解的愿望,56天的时间里每人只花费56美元。他们与大肠杆菌、经济压力作斗争,并意识到没有简单的答案。然而,他们的邻居罗莎、安东尼和奇诺的慷慨和力量给了他们坚韧的希望。他们回到家乡,改头换面,开始一项使命,与其他学生分享他们新发现的理解,激励和挑战他们这一代人,让他们有所作为。