简介:A teenager has his Sitka Spruce tree chosen to be planted outside the White House as the new national Christmas Tree. 译文({Ziyuantun.Com}2): 一位少年选择了他的锡特卡云杉树作为新的国家圣诞树种植在白宫外面。
A teenager has his Sitka Spruce tree chosen to be planted outside the White House as the new national Christmas Tree. 译文({Ziyuantun.Com}2): 一位少年选择了他的锡特卡云杉树作为新的国家圣诞树种植在白宫外{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。
A teenager has his Sitka Spruce tree chosen to be planted outside the White House as the new national Christmas Tree. 译文({Ziyuantun.Com}2): 一位少年选择了他的锡特卡云杉树作为新的国家圣诞树种植在白宫外{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。