This is the story of Arthur Rudolph, one of over 100 Nazi V2 rocket engineers secretly brought to America in 1945 to work on the Cold War missile programme. He became a key figure in NASA's race into space; but in 1990 was arrested in Toronto on suspicion of being a war criminal. As well as dramatizing Arthur Rudolph's trial from previously unseen transcripts, this revelatory documentary draws upon archive footage, expert witness interviews and the testimony of Jean Michel, a slave labour survivor of the subterranean wartime V2 factory. This is the story of America's desperation to beat Russia to the moon at all costs, and of the decades-long journey to bring to justice those responsible for the deaths of 20,000 slave laborers in the V2 rocket factory and its Concentration Camp. 译文(2): 这是 Arth[ZiYuantun.Com]ur Rudolph 的故事,他是1945年被秘密带到美国参与冷战导弹计划的100多名纳粹 V2火箭工程师之{资源屯}。他成为美国国家航空航天局进入太空竞赛的关键人物,但在1990年在多伦多因涉嫌战犯而被捕。这部具有启示意义的纪录片除了利用之前从未见过的文字记录来戏剧化地表现对阿瑟 · 鲁道夫的审判,还利用了档案片段、专家证人采访以及让 · 米歇尔(Jean Michel)的证词。米歇尔是战时地下 V2工厂的一名奴隶幸存者。这是一个关于美国不惜一切代价打败俄罗斯登上月球的故事,也是一个关于几十年来将那些在 V2火箭工厂和集中营中造成2万奴隶劳工死亡的罪魁祸首绳之以法的故事。