The Flamingo Rising is a 2001 dramatic film in the Hallmark Hall of Fame released on television in 2001, and based on the novel The Flamingo Rising written by Larry Baker in 1997. The movie stars William Hurt, Elizabeth McGovern, and Brian Benben. The movie focuses on the feud between a funeral parlor owner and a man who wants to set up a large drive-in theatre across the street from the parlor. 译文(3): 《火烈鸟崛起》(The Flamingo Rising)是一部2001年霍尔马克名人[ZiYuantun.Com]堂(Hallmark Hall of Fame)的戏剧电影,于2001年在电视上上映,改编自拉里·贝克(Larry Baker)1997年创作的小说《火烈鹰崛起{资源屯}。这部电影由威廉·赫特、伊丽莎白·麦戈文和布莱恩·本本主演。这部电影聚焦于一个殡仪馆老板和一个男人之间的不和,这个男人想在殡仪馆的街对面建立一个大型免下车影院。