I predatori di Atlantide

I predatori di Atlantide




    This film is in a league of it's own: I won't bother to re-state what every other person has already posted regarding the plot. Needless to say it makes no sense what-so-ever in the big scheme of things, but there is plenty of violence and preposterous characters such as the "Crystal Skull" liven things up no end. The best line in the whole film has to be "We can't move; we're immobilised" (by an invisible force field), so how come he can still move his jaw to speak? As I say ultimately in a league of it's own and one of the best examples of ho【ZiYuanTun.Com】w practically any script was considered during the 80's as a potential blockbuster!   译文(2): 这部电影是在它自己的联盟: 我不会打扰重新陈述每个其他人已经张贴了关于情{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。不用说,在这个宏大的计划中,这些东西毫无意义,但是有很多暴力和荒谬的角色,比如“水晶头骨”,使事情活跃起来,没有尽头。整部电影中最好的台词就是“我们动不了了,我们被一个看不见的力场束缚住了”,那么他为什么还能动动下巴说话呢?正如我所说,最终在它自己的联盟和最好的例子之一,如何实际上任何脚本被认为是在80年代作为一个潜在的重磅炸弹!

