An Ordinary Hero

An Ordinary Hero



    • 主演: 未知


    The amazing true story of one white Southern woman's courage to choose her convictions and join the Civil Rights Movement. By the time she was 19, Joan Trumpauer was shot at, attacked, and put on death row but that's just the beginning of her remarkable journey to help change the world. Heralded as an unsung hero but disowned by her family, Joan takes us on an incredible journey of her life in the Civi[ZiYuantun.Com]l Rights Movement and the power of the human spirit to persevere against the world. Shot over the course of a year in six states, 'An Ordinary Hero' is the only complete story of Joan Trumpauer and includes interviews with scholars, authors, journalists, and those who fought alongside this courageous woman.   译文(2): 这是一个令人惊叹的真实故事,讲述了一位南方白人妇女勇敢地选择自己的信念并加入民权运{资源屯}。在她19岁的时候,琼 · 特朗普遭到枪击,袭击,并被判处死刑但这只是她帮助改变世界的非凡旅程的开始。琼被誉为无名英雄,但她的家人却与她断绝了关系,她带领我们踏上了她在民权运动中的人生旅程,展现了人类精神与世界抗争的力量。《一个普通的英雄》在六个州拍摄了一年,是琼 · 特朗普唯一完整的故事,包括对学者、作家、记者以及那些与这位勇敢的女性并肩作战的人的采访。

