
主演:维尔·罗杰斯 圣蒂诺·方塔纳 丽贝卡·劳伦斯·莱维 


类型: 剧情 电影 美国 2011

豆瓣ID:10729416 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt1760985 IMDb评分:5.7

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-14

TAG:南茜 拜托!720P下载 南茜 拜托!免费下载 南茜 拜托! 


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NANCY, PLEASE tells the story of Paul Brawley, a gifted PhD candidate at Yale University. Paul has just moved into an apartment with his pragmatic girlfriend, Jen, and is struggling to complete his dissertation before embarking on a career in academia. There's just one snag: as Paul is unpacking his belongings, he discovers that something has been left behind. A seemingly inconsequential object, but one Paul feels is of great importance to his dissertation and, therefor{Ziyuantun.Com}e, to his future: a battered, personally annotated hardcover copy of 'Little Dorrit' by Charles Dickens. He will have to retrieve it from his former roommate - the obstinate Nancy. As he becomes increasingly consumed with the retrieval of 'Little Dorrit', Paul's relationship and career unravel.   译文(2): 南希,请讲述保罗布劳利的故事,一个有天赋的博士候选人在耶鲁大{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。保罗刚刚和他务实的女朋友珍搬进一间公寓,在开始学术生涯之前,他正在努力完成他的学位论文。只有一个障碍: 当保罗正在打开他的行李时,他发现有东西被落下了。这是一个看似无关紧要的物品,但保罗认为它对他的论文以及他的未来至关重要: 一本查尔斯 · 狄更斯的《小杜丽》的精装本,破旧不堪,附有个人注释。他将不得不从他以前的室友——顽固的南希那里拿回它。随着他越来越多地投入到《小杜丽》的回收中,保罗的人际关系和职业生涯开始瓦解。

